Unit Pahub is an I2C device splitter that can expand a single I2C HY2.0-4P interface to six channels, allowing the connection of multiple I2C devices with the same address (by controlling the polling of different channels to enable coexistence of devices with the same address). It features an embedded TCA9548A-I2C multi-channel switch IC, supporting the expansion of up to 6 groups of I2C devices.
Specification | Parameter |
Protocol | I2C:0x70 (can be modified via resistors A0, A1, A2) |
Net Weight | 7g |
Gross Weight | 19g |
Product Size | 48 x 24 x 12mm |
Package Size | 67 x 53 x 12mm |
According to the reference schematic and the TCA9548A datasheet, this Unit can modify the I2C address of the device by controlling the level combination of the A0~A2 pins. (The default address is 0x70).
The PCB of the Unit has three reserved positions for surface-mount resistors, labeled A0-A2, as shown below.
After soldering a 0-ohm resistor, the corresponding pin will change from low level to high level. The pin level combinations and their corresponding I2C addresses are shown in the table below.
HY2.0-4P | Black | Red | Yellow | White |
PORT.A | GND | 5V | SDA | SCL |
Easyloader | Download Link | Remarks |
Unit Pahub Test Easyloader | download | / |