
Demo Board

SKU: K024


Demo Board is a learning and development board. It uses the M5Core as the control core and is fully compatible with the module stacking and hardware expansion system. It is equipped with multiple sets of environment detection-related sensors and provides various input methods such as joystick, rotary encoder, matrix buttons, and wireless radio frequency identification. It includes three motor driving methods (DC, stepper, and servo), an RGB LED panel, integrated multiple sets of relay control, and ADC and DAC conversion circuits. It supports RS485 and RS232 bus communication and provides an independent power switch for each module. Combined with the IoT-enabled M5Core as the control core, the onboard modules cover multiple aspects of "sound, light, electricity, and force," making the Demo Board a powerful tool for learning hardware and programming.


  • Compatible with Module stacking and Unit expansion systems
  • Proto board and M5-BUS bus expansion
  • Independent power switch for each module
  • Environmental sensor series (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, light, microphone)
  • Joystick input
  • 8-channel relay output
  • 4-channel DAC, 4-channel ADC
  • 4x4 button matrix
  • 8x8 matrix RGB LED
  • Rotary encoder
  • Single-channel servo
  • DC motor (with feedback)
  • Four-phase five-wire stepper motor
  • Wireless radio frequency identification card reader
  • RS-485, RS232 communication functions


  • 1 x Demo Board
  • 1 x DC 12V power adapter (5.5 x 2.1mm)
  • 1 x RS232 cable
  • 1 x RFID Card
  • 1 x ID Card
  • 16 x Breadboard wires


Module Layout

Module Parameters

Module Name Operating Voltage Related Parameters
ADC 5V 4-channel ADC interface / built-in ADS1115
DAC 5V 4-channel DAC interface / built-in DAC6574
Joystick 3.3V X/Y-axis potentiometer input, Z-axis button input
DHT12 3.3V I2C address 0x5C
BMP280 3.3V I2C address 0x76
Light 3.3V Supports analog/digital acquisition / adjustable threshold
Microphone 3.3V Supports analog/digital acquisition / adjustable threshold
Relay 5V 8-channel control / 3A-220V-AC / 3A-30V-DC
RGB LED 5V 8x8 matrix LED
Servo 5V 10KG torque
DC-Motor 5V With feedback, integrated LV8548MC
Stepmotor 5V Four-phase five-wire, integrated LV8548MC
RFID 3.3V Read/write distance: < 8 cm / built-in MFRC522
RS485 5V Built-in SP485EEN-L/TR
RS232 5V Built-in MAX232ESE
Encode Rotary encoder / with button input
Proto 170 board holes
Keyboard 4x4 button matrix




Quick Start



Easyloader Download Link Notes
Demo Board Test Easyloader download /

Note: The DAC and ADC functions cannot be used simultaneously because the ADS1115 and DAC6574 chips share the same broadcast address (0x48), causing a functional conflict.