COM.LoRaWAN470 is a LoRaWAN communication module suitable for 470MHz frequency launched by M5Stack. The module adopts the ASR6501 solution, which supports long-distance communication and has both ultra-low power consumption and high sensitivity. The module integrates the LoRaWAN protocol stack and adopts a serial communication interface (using AT command set for control), and can be used as a collection node to access a large number of gateways for data collection and management.
An external power supply is provided (5V-12V input can be adjusted by switching the dial on-board switches). The module fits for long distance low power IoT communication applications, such as deployment of environmental monitoring nodes.
Specifications | Parameter |
UART baud rate | 115200 |
DC interface specifications | 5.5mm |
Net weight | 35g |
Gross weight | 72g |
Product size | 54.2 x 54.2 x 13.2mm |
Package size | 165 x 60 x 36mm |
The module base has a DC power input interface. Please strictly follow the input range (5-12V) to prevent damage to the module when using this interface to connect to the power supply. The internal power DIP switch can adjust the voltage level of the internal terminal VIN to adapt to different modules.
CORE | RX | TX |
SW DIP-6 dip switch | G17/G0/G13 | G16/G5/G15 |
M5Stack FIRE GPIO 16/17 is connected to PSRAM by default. If the TXD/RXD of this module uses GPIO16, GPIO17 will conflict with it. Therefore, when using M5Stack FIRE to drive the module, you need to switch the DIP switch to any one of the remaining two sets of pins.