
ESP32 Downloader Kit



The ESP32 Downloader Kit is a USB-TTL adapter board suitable for ESP32/ESP8266, using the CP2104/CH9102 chip. It supports one-click program downloading, eliminating the need for manual chip reset and pin pull-down operations. The included adapter board and pin headers make it very convenient to program or debug ESP32/ESP8266 series development boards or M5Stack series products.


The actual shipment may include two chip versions, CP2104/CH9102F, with no difference in functionality or usage.


  • TypeC interface
  • ESP32/ESP8266 program downloader
  • Matches the IO sequence of multiple M5Stack products, allowing direct plug-in programming without wiring (e.g., UNIT CAM/STAMP series)
  • Receive/transmit buffer
  • Complies with USB2.0 specifications


  • 1 x ESP32 Downloader
  • 1 x ESP32 CAM pin adapter board
  • 1 x 2.54-6P female header
  • 2 x 2.54-3P pin headers


Specification Parameter
USB Interface Type TypeC
Baud Rate 300bps to 2Mbps
Supported Data Formats Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, and 8
Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, and 2
Parity: Odd, Even, Mark, Space, None
Buffer 576-byte receive buffer, 576-byte transmit buffer
Net Weight 10.0g
Gross Weight 11.0g
Product Dimensions 33 x 16 x 3mm
Package Dimensions 136 x 92 x 11mm


Usage Example:



USB Driver

Click the links below to download the driver for your operating system. The USB-TTL programming board currently has two driver chip versions: CP210X (for CP2104 version) and CP34X (for CH9102 version). After extracting the compressed file, select the installation package corresponding to your operating system's bit version. (If you are unsure which USB chip your device uses, you can install both drivers. CH9102_VCP_SER_MacOS v1.7 may show an error during installation, but it is actually installed; you can ignore the error.) If you encounter issues with program downloading (e.g., timeout or "Failed to write to target RAM"), try reinstalling the device driver.
Driver Name Compatible Chip Download Link
CP210x_VCP_Windows CP2104 Download
CP210x_VCP_MacOS CP2104 Download
CP210x_VCP_Linux CP2104 Download
CH9102_VCP_SER_Windows CH9102 Download
CH9102_VCP_SER_MacOS v1.7 CH9102 Download
MacOS Port Selection
On MacOS, two ports may appear as options. Please select the port named wchmodem for use.