Hat ADC v1.1 is an AD conversion module compatible with M5SticKC, internally integrating the ADC conversion chip ADS1110. It features full differential, 16-bit, self-calibration, and Δ-Σ analog/digital conversion, allowing users to easily obtain precise measurement results. The ADS1110 includes a Δ-Σ A/D converter core with adjustable gain, a clock generator, and an I2C interface, allowing for -5 ~ +5V differential input. However, through the design of the peripheral circuit of this IC, we limit the input to 0 ~ 12V.
Input Voltage: 0-12V
Development Platform: Arduino, UIFlow (Blockly, MicroPython)
16-bit no missing codes
Continuous self-calibration
Single-cycle conversion
Built-in programmable gain amplifier (gain = 1, 2, 4, 8)