Unit Ultrasonic is an ultrasonic distance measurement sensor unit with a split-type transceiver design. The ultrasonic probe has a sound wave frequency of 40Khz, a direction angle of ±20°, and an accuracy of up to 1mm. It is internally processed by the RCWL-9600 ultrasonic distance measurement chip, and the measurement results can be directly obtained through the I2C interface (0x57). The effective measurement range is 30 ~ 150cm.
Question: How to handle excessive echo time or distance measurement failure with the ultrasonic sensor?
If the sensor's echo time is too long or no echo is detected, it may be because the ultrasonic sensor is too close to the obstacle, or the ultrasonic waves cannot reflect properly on certain materials. You can adjust the sensor's working range to maintain a certain distance between the measurement target and the sensor.
Question: Can multiple ultrasonic sensors be used simultaneously?
Yes, you can use multiple ultrasonic sensors. Assign different Trigger and Echo pins to each sensor and measure and process them separately in the code.