Atom HDriver is an H-bridge motor driver compatible with ATOM controllers. It features the DRV8876 motor driver chip, supports 9 - 24V/DC power input (with an embedded DC/DC circuit to power the entire device, and the ADC pin G33 is directly connected to a voltage divider circuit to monitor the power input status in real-time), and can output up to 1.5A of current, with a peak of 2A, suitable for DC motor speed control and forward/reverse control. The driver integrates an N-channel H-bridge, charge pump regulator, current sensing and regulation, current proportional output, and protection circuits (including under-voltage lockout (UVLO), charge pump under-voltage (CPUV), over-current protection (OCP), and thermal shutdown (TSD), with fault conditions indicated via the FAULT pin).
Fault Indication: When a fault occurs, the FAULT (G22) pin will be pulled low. G33 can obtain 1/10 of the input voltage, which can be used to detect the current power input status.