
Hat 8Servos



Hat 8Servos is an 8-channel servo control board compatible with M5StickC, with the main controller being STM32F030F4, communicating with M5StickC via I2C. To ensure multiple servos work simultaneously, the control board is equipped with an independent 16340 battery holder for power supply, controlled by an independent switch. Additionally, an RGB indicator light is integrated on the control board. You can use it to control SG90 servos for precise angle operations.


  • Eight-channel servo control
  • 1x RGB LED
  • 16340 battery holder
  • I2C protocol control (0x38)


  • 1 x Hat 8Servos
  • 1 x 16340 battery (700mAh)


  • Servo controller
  • Robot control
  • Smart toys


Specification Parameter
Communication Protocol I2C:0x38
Net Weight 27g
Gross Weight 38g
Product Size 54 x 24 x 20mm
Package Size 75 x 46 x 29mm


M5StickC G0 G26 3.3V GND
8Servos SDA SCL Vin GND





Servo Control Instructions

> 1. Function Description

    (1) Eight-channel servo control

    (2) Onboard sk6812 LED control

> 2. Communication Method

    I2C, maximum rate 400HZ, address supports auto-increment

    Device Address: 0x38

    Address    Default Value    Description

    00H    0X00    CH1 angle output

    01H    0X00    CH2 angle output

    02H    0X00    CH3 angle output

    03H    0X00    CH4 angle output

    04H    0X00    CH5 angle output

    05H    0X00    CH6 angle output

    06H    0X00    CH7 angle output

    07H    0X00    CH8 angle output

> 3. I2C Address Description

    00H(R/W) Servo Angle Register


    (1) Data can be read and written continuously

    (2) Each register value represents degrees, can be written 0-180

>    10H(R/W) Servo Pulse Width Register

    Address    Default Value    Description

    10H    0X00    CH1_WIDTH[8:15]

    11H    0X00    CH1_WIDTH[0:7]

    12H    0X00    CH2_WIDTH[8:15]

    13H    0X00    CH2_WIDTH[0:7]

    14H    0X00    CH3_WIDTH[8:15]

    15H    0X00    CH3_WIDTH[0:7]

    16H    0X00    CH4_WIDTH[8:15]

    17H    0X00    CH4_WIDTH[0:7]

    18H    0X00    CH5_WIDTH[8:15]

    19H    0X00    CH5_WIDTH[0:7]

    1AH    0X00    CH6_WIDTH[8:15]

    1BH    0X00    CH6_WIDTH[0:7]

    1CH    0X00    CH7_WIDTH[8:15]

    1DH    0X00    CH7_WIDTH[0:7]

    1EH    0X00    CH8_WIDTH[8:15]

    1FH    0X00    CH8_WIDTH[0:7]


    (1) Data can be read and written continuously

>   20H(R/W) LED_RGB Register

    Address    Default Value    Description

    20H    0X00    G[0:7]

    21H    0X00    R[0:7]

    22H    0X00    B[0:7]


    (1) Data can be read and written continuously

    (2) RGB888


Easyloader Download Link Note
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