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Timer Amazon S3 Folder Pusher

This tutorial will introduce you to how to transfer images to the Amazon S3 file storage service on a schedule using TimerCAM.

Driver Installation

Baud Rate Limit
When performing the device program download operation, it is recommended to select the following serial port baud rate options. If other speeds are used, it may result in the program being unable to be downloaded properly.
1500000 bps / 750000 bps / 500000 bps / 250000 bps / 115200 bps
Connect the device to the PC, open the device manager to install the FTDI driver for the device. Taking Windows 10 as an example, download the driver file matching your operating system, unzip it, and install it through the device manager. (Note: In some system environments, it may be necessary to install the driver twice for it to take effect. The unrecognized device name is usually M5Stack or USB Serial. Windows recommends installing the driver file directly through the device manager (custom update), as the executable file installation method may not work properly). Click here to download the FTDI driver
For MacOS users, please check System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General -> Allow apps downloaded from -> App Store and identified developers option before installation.

Download the Flashing Tool

Please download the M5Burner firmware flashing tool according to the operating system you are using by clicking the buttons below. Unzip and open the application.

Software version Download link
M5Burner_Windows Download
M5Burner_MacOS Download
M5Burner_Linux Download

Flashing Firmware

Open M5Burner-->Connect the device to the computer-->Select the corresponding port-->Switch to the TimerCam option-->Select TimerS3FolderPusher firmware and click download-->Click Burn to start flashing-->Wait for the successful popup to indicate the flashing is complete

Click Burn, and before starting the flashing, you need to configure some related connection parameters for the device.

WIFI SSID: WIFI name, note to avoid special characters, the computer sharing the folder and TimerCAM should be on the same network
Access Key: AWS Access Key
Secret Key: AWS Secret Key

(folder path)
File Prefix: The default prefix name of the picture
Image Size: Image size
Interval: Image sending interval, recommended interval is more than 20s.

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