
Arduino Guide

Unit HBridge Arduino Tutorial

1. Preparation

2. Example Program

Example Explanation
The Unit HBridge is a DC motor driver module that supports configuring motor speed, direction, voltage, and more. The Unit HBridge v1.1 version also supports reading the current motor value.

Power Switch

Motor Power Selection
The Unit HBridge integrates a DC/DC buck converter circuit, which can reduce the external 6 ~ 12V input from the 3.96 terminal to 5V, suitable for different motor power requirements. It also includes a power switch to select the motor power from either the external 6 ~ 12V input or the 5V after DC/DC conversion. Set the switch to HPWR to use the external input voltage, or set it to 5V to use the DC/DC reduced 5V voltage. When using it, please select the appropriate driving voltage based on the motor specifications.

Motor Wiring

Complete Program

#include "M5Unified.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include "M5UnitHbridge.h"

M5UnitHbridge driver;
uint8_t fw_version = 0;
bool motor_run     = false;

void get_current_voltage()
    // getMotorCurrent() function only support in Hbridge V1.1 version
    if (fw_version >= 2) {
        Serial.printf("%.2fA\r\n", driver.getMotorCurrent());
    Serial.printf("%.2fV\r\n", driver.getAnalogInput(_12bit) / 4095.0f * 3.3f / 0.09f);

void setup()

    while (!driver.begin(&Wire, HBRIDGE_I2C_ADDR, 2, 1, 100000L)) {
        M5.Display.drawString("Unit HBridge init Fail!", M5.Display.width() / 2, M5.Display.height() / 2);

    fw_version = driver.getFirmwareVersion();
    Serial.printf("Hbridge Firmware Version: %d\r\n", fw_version);

    M5.Display.drawString("Unit HBridge init OK", M5.Display.width() / 2, M5.Display.height() / 2 - 20);
    M5.Display.drawString("Touch to Start/Stop Motor", M5.Display.width() / 2, M5.Display.height() / 2 + 20);

void loop()
    auto t = M5.Touch.getDetail();
    if (t.wasClicked() || M5.BtnA.wasClicked()) {
        motor_run = !motor_run;
        if (motor_run) {
            // driver.setDriverDirection(HBRIDGE_BACKWARD);
            M5.Display.drawString("Motor Running", M5.Display.width() / 2, M5.Display.height() / 2);
        } else {
            M5.Display.drawString("Motor Stop", M5.Display.width() / 2, M5.Display.height() / 2);

3. Compile and Upload

  • 1.Download Mode: Different devices may require entering download mode before programming. The steps for this may vary depending on the main control device. For more details, refer to the Arduino IDE Getting Started Guide , which includes specific download tutorial lists for each device.

  • For CoreS3, press and hold the reset button (for about 2 seconds) until the internal green LED lights up, and then release it. This indicates the device is in download mode and ready for programming.

  • 2.Select the device port and click the compile and upload button in the top left corner of Arduino IDE, then wait for the program to compile and upload to the device.

4. Motor Control

Use the Unit HBridge to control the motor's rotation and stop.

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