
UIFlow Guide

UIFlow 1.0 Blockly



UIFlow 1.0 Project

Module Comx Cat1


Initialize the MQTT connection.
Subscribe to a specified topic and publish messages via MQTT.
In a loop, generate a random number as the counter value, and if the counter value differs from the previous one, publish it to the specified topic.
The program will display the current counter value, the messages from the subscribed topic, and the MQTT connection status.
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
from comx.cat1 import CAT1


cat_topic = None
cat_msg = None
counter = None
previous = None

import random

def cat_mqtt_cb(cat_mq_topic, cat_mq_payload):
  global cat_topic, cat_msg, counter, previous, cat
  cat_topic = cat_mq_topic
  cat_msg = cat_mq_payload

print('Start Mqtt')
counter = 0
previous = 0
cat = CAT1(tx=17, rx=16)
cat.mqtt_to_connect('mqtt.m5stack.com', 1883, 'mqtt_m9', '', '', 120)
if cat.is_connect_mqtt():
  print('Connected Mqtt')
while not (cat.mqtt_subscribe('SubTopic', cat_mqtt_cb, 0)):
print('Success Subscribe')
while True:
  if counter != previous:
    cat.mqtt_publish('PubTopic', str(counter), 0)
    previous = counter
  if cat.is_connect_mqtt():
    print('Connected Mqtt')
  counter = random.randint(100000, 999999)
  print((str('counter:') + str(counter)))


  • Checks the GPRS network registration status to confirm whether the device has successfully registered to the GPRS network.
  • Checks the network registration status to confirm whether the device has successfully registered to the network, which may include different types such as GPRS, LTE, etc.
  • Checks the signal quality, returning the current network signal strength to evaluate the quality of the device's connection to the network.
  • Checks the module status to obtain the current operating state of the module, confirming whether it is functioning normally.
  • Enables the PDP context, which is typically used for data transmission. Once enabled, the device can communicate data over the network.
cat.get_ezdata(ezdata_get_IklJVcb, 'GCJ3Ic5h2eXnzV3rT3bBXvrncCaJnART', '')
  • Asynchronously retrieves the value associated with a specified topic by providing the topic name and token. This operation is typically used to get specific data from the cloud or a remote server.
cat.remove_ezdata('GCJ3Ic5h2eXnzV3rT3bBXvrncCaJnART', '')
  • Removes data or unsubscribes from a specified topic using the provided token. This operation is used to manage data storage or traffic, ensuring that unnecessary topics no longer consume resources.
cat.set_ezdata('GCJ3Ic5h2eXnzV3rT3bBXvrncCaJnART', '', '', 0)
  • Saves a specified value to a topic, with authentication via token. You can choose the mode of saving data, such as single or continuous saving. This function is typically used for uploading data to the cloud or a remote server.
  • Retrieves the device's CCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier), a unique identifier for the SIM card, used to identify the SIM card in the mobile network.
  • Retrieves the device's IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), a unique identifier for the device, used to identify the device in the mobile network.
  • Sends an HTTP or HTTPS GET request to the specified URL to retrieve data from the server. You can specify the resource to request via the URL parameter.
cat.http_post('', 'application/json', '')
  • Sends an HTTP or HTTPS POST request to the specified URL with JSON-formatted data, used to upload data to the server. POST requests are commonly used for submitting form data or uploading data to the server.
  • Terminates the current HTTP or HTTPS session and releases resources. This is used after data transmission to ensure the session is properly closed.
CAT1(tx=17, rx=16)
  • Initializes the Cat1 module's TX and RX pins, used to set the pin numbers for serial communication. This module is typically used for serial communication with the Cat1 module.
  • Checks the current MQTT connection status to ensure whether the device has successfully connected to the MQTT server.
cat.mqtt_to_connect('mqtt.m5stack.com', 1883, '', '', '', 120

  • Initializes the MQTT server connection settings, including the server address (mqtt.m5stack.com), port number (1883), client ID, username, password, and keepalive time.
  • Disconnects from the MQTT server, used to end the MQTT session.
  • Checks and retrieves downstream messages, i.e., messages sent from the MQTT server to the device. This is used to receive messages.
cat.mqtt_publish('', '', 0)
  • Publishes a message to the specified MQTT topic. You can set the topic name, the message content (payload), and choose the QoS (Quality of Service) level.
cat.mqtt_subscribe('', cat_mqtt_cb, 0)
  • Subscribes to a specified MQTT topic. The device will receive all messages published to this topic. You can set the topic name and choose the QoS level.
def cat_mqtt_cb(cat_mq_topic, cat_mq_payload):
  global ezdata_value1, cat_topic, cat_msg, cat
  cat_topic = cat_mq_topic
  cat_msg = cat_mq_payload
  • Sets the callback function for the subscribed topic. When the device receives a message from the specified topic, this callback function will be invoked to process the message. In this block, cat_topic represents the topic, and cat_msg represents the received message.
  • Unsubscribes from the specified MQTT topic. The device will no longer receive messages from this topic.
  • Powers down the module, putting it into low-power mode. This saves energy, but the module will no longer be able to perform tasks.
  • Resets the module, similar to rebooting the device. This is typically used to restore the module to its initial state.
  • Sets the command echo mode. When enabled, the module will echo command input after each command is executed. When disabled, the module will no longer echo command input.
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