
UIFlow Guide

UiFlow1 Blockly



UiFlow1 Project


Create a web page of controls for remote control of M5Stack devices with Remote+. This feature provides more controls than the old Remote and supports Ezdata data linkage, making it more powerful. This page is associated with the device's API KEY and will be stored in M5 service for a long time, and provides a fixed access link so that users can access and share the device information or control the device remotely anytime and anywhere.
1. This function needs to use the online version of UIFlow
2. When downloading and running offline, you need to add WiFi connection program to setup. View WiFi Connection Program Instructions
3. You need to push the program before using it. Then only you can get the QR code/URL of the access page


from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
import time


switch_value = None
slider_value = None
stepper_value = None
rp_label1_data = None

from numbers import Number

def button_1_callback():
  global rp_label1_data, switch_value, slider_value, stepper_value 
  print('Button Press')

def switch_1_callback(switch_value):
  global rp_label1_data, slider_value, stepper_value 

def slider_1_callback(slider_value):
  global rp_label1_data, switch_value, stepper_value 

def stepper_1_callback(stepper_value):
  global rp_label1_data, switch_value, slider_value 

def label_1_callback():
  global rp_label1_data, switch_value, slider_value, stepper_value 
  return rp_label1_data
lcd.qrcode('https://flow.m5stack.com/remote?id=undefined', 72, 32, 176)
rp_label1_data = 0
while True:
  rp_label1_data = (rp_label1_data if isinstance(rp_label1_data, Number) else 0) + 1


lcd.qrcode('https://flow.m5stack.com/remote?id=undefined', 72, 32, 176)
  • Set the position and size of the QR code of the generated web page. Note: After the web page is run for the first time, the remote parameter of the URL in the code will be updated automatically, so this API needs to be run once through UIFlow online mode first.

  • In the program block menu, click Remote+ function, a preview window will appear on the right side of the page for adding controls, users can drag and drop to add controls to the blank space of the page. After all controls have been configured and the program has been pushed, click on the QR code at the top of the preview window to get a link to the control page.


def button_1_callback():
  • Add a touch button to the control page, every time you add a button, a corresponding Callback function will be automatically generated in the programming area, and the contents of the function will be triggered when the button is pressed.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Color Title font color
Background Title background color
Edges key edge style. sharp/Pill
Style Setting the Key Fill Style. Outline/Solid


def switch_1_callback(switch_value):
  • Add a toggle switch to the control page, every time you add a toggle switch, a corresponding callback function will be generated automatically in the programming area, the content of the function will be triggered when the switch is activated, and the switch state will be passed through the variable switch_value. The content of the function will be triggered when the switch is activated, and the switch state will be passed through the variable switch_value. switch_value: 1(ON)/0(OFF)
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Off Label Closed status symbol
On Label Open Status Logo
Off Color Off state font color
On Color Open status font color
Off Background Off state background color
On Background Open state background color


def slider_1_callback(slider_value):
  • Add a slider to the control page, every time a slider is added, a corresponding callback function will be generated in the program area, the slider action will trigger the content of the function and pass the switch state through the variable slider_value. slider_value: can be configured through the Properties. The slider action will trigger the content of the callback function and pass the slider position status through the variable slider_value. slider_value: Configurable value range through Properties.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Show Value Whether to display the current slider value True/False
Color Slider color
Min Value Slider range min.
Max Value Slider Range Maximum


def stepper_1_callback(stepper_value):
  • Add a Stepper to the control page, every time a slider is added, a corresponding Callback function will be automatically generated in the programming area, the content of the function will be triggered when the Stepper moves, and the current value state will be passed through the variable stepper_value.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Min Value Stepper range min.
Max Value Stepper Range Maximum
Step Set the Step value for each click


def label_1_callback():
  global rp_label1_data
  return rp_label1_data
  • Add a display tag to the control page, every add a display tag, in the programming area will automatically generate a corresponding Event timer function, the device program will automatically run according to the specified interval to upload data content (default interval is 3000ms), the uploaded content will be automatically updated to display on the page control.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Font Size Text font size
Color Data text display color
Interval(ms) Data reporting interval/ms


def joystick_1_callback(joystick_x_value, joystick_y_value):
  • Add a joystick control to the control page, every time a joystick control is added, a corresponding callback function will be automatically generated in the programming area, when the joystick control moves, it will trigger the execution of the function and pass the current joystick state through the variables joystick_x_value and joystick_y_value.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Color Rocker Color
Auto Return Whether to automatically return to the home position when releasing the joystick True/False
X Min Minimum X-axis position value
X Max Maximum X-axis position value
Y Min Minimum Y-axis position value
Y Max Maximum Y-axis position value


def input_1_callback(input_value):
  • Add an input text box to the control page, every time you add an input text box, a corresponding callback function will be automatically generated in the programming area, when the text of the input box is changed, it will trigger the execution of the function and pass the input text through the variable input_value.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Font Size Text font size
Color Data text display color
Hint Enter text prompts
Character Limit Input character length limit, default is 8


def image_1_callback():
  global rp_img1_url
  return rp_img1_url
  • Add an image control to the control page. When the control page is accessed, the page will fetch the image data from the specified URL at the specified interval (the default interval is 3000ms) and update it to be displayed on the page control.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Interval(ms) Data reporting interval/ms
Fallback URL URL of the requested image


def gauge_1_callback():
  global rp_gauge1_data
  return rp_gauge1_data
  • Add a dashboard to the control page, each dashboard will automatically generate a corresponding Event timer function in the programming area, the device program will automatically upload the data content according to the specified interval (the default interval is 3000ms), and the uploaded content will be automatically updated and displayed on the page control.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Label Dashboard Title
Color Dashboard display color
Suffix Dashboard Data Suffix
Min Value Dashboard range min.
Max Value Dashboard range max.
Interval(ms) Data reporting interval/ms


Add a chart to the control page, the icon needs to specify the data source via Ezdata function , and it supports to configure the chart refresh interval and the basic style.

1. Click here to understand the basic use of Ezdata before using it
2. Ezdata is used in conjunction with Chart, and needs to be used in a way that the data is saved as a List, Not a Topic
3. When you pass data, you need to use a map (map), which is a map of the data to be used. You need to use map (dictionary) to pass data in the form of key-value. The key needs to correspond to the X, Y Data Source field in the chart control, if it is left empty, the data will not be displayed.
Properties Description
Name Control Title
Show Title Whether to display the control title True/False
Theme Setting the Chart Topic Light/Dark
Color Setting chart element colors
Chart Type Setting the Chart Type, Bar/Line
Interval(ms) Setting the chart refresh interval
Show Legend Show legend True/False
Dataset Name Configure the dataset name
Y Axis Label Suffix Configure the Y-axis data suffix
EzData Token Configuring the EzData Data Source Token
List Specified List of EzData data source
X Data Source Set a field in the List data as the X-axis content (usually use time as the data to form a historical record)
Y Data Source Setting a field in List data to be the Y-axis content (Usually, monitoring content is used as data to create a trend of data changes)
Max Count Maximum amount of data to be displayed on the current chart
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