
UIFlow Guide

UIFlow 1.0 Blockly



UIFlow 1.0 Project

Unit Synth


Play notes with a 300ms interval.

from m5stack import *
from m5stack_ui import *
from uiflow import *
import time
import unit

screen = M5Screen()
synth_0 = unit.get(unit.SYNTH, unit.PORTB)

synth_0.set_channel_volume(0, 121)
synth_0.set_change_instrument(0, 0, 112)
while True:
  synth_0.set_note_on(0, 80, 23)
  synth_0.set_note_on(0, 57, 73)
  synth_0.set_note_on(0, 66, 101)
  synth_0.set_note_on(0, 60, 52)


  • Send a System Exclusive message to reset all drums on channel to their default settings.
  • Stop sending MIDI messages to a specified channel.
synth_0.set_change_instrument(0, 0, 1)
  • Change the program (instrument) on a specified MIDI channel.
    • bank - programmed source selector (bank0 GM: Standard source /bank127: MT-32 source)
    • channel – MIDI channel (0-15).
    • value – Program number (0-127).
synth_0.set_channel_volume(0, 0)
  • Set the channel volume for a specified MIDI channel.
synth_0.set_chorus(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Configure a chorus effect on a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel (0-15).
    • program – Chorus program number (0-7).
    • level – Chorus level (0-127).
    • feedback – Chorus feedback amount (0-127).
    • chorusdelay – Chorus delay amount (0-127).
  • Send a MIDI System Exclusive Reset command.
synth_0.set_envelope(0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Set the pitch bend range for a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel to apply the pitch bend (0-15).
    • attack – Attack time (0-127, note: this may be a misunderstanding as pitch bend does not traditionally have attack/decay/release times).
    • decay – Decay time (0-127, same note as above).
    • release – Release time (0-127, same note as above). These parameters might be intended for another envelope type, not pitch bend.
synth_0.set_equalizer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Set the equalizer levels and frequencies for a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel (0-15).
    • Low Band – Low-band level (-12dB to +12dB).
    • MedLowBand – Mid-low-band level (-12dB to +12dB).
    • MedHighBand – Mid-high-band level (-12dB to +12dB).
    • High Band – High-band level (-12dB to +12dB).
    • LowFreq – Low-band frequency (Hz).
    • MedLowFreq – Mid-low-band frequency (Hz).
    • MedHighFreq – Mid-high-band frequency (Hz).
    • HighFreq – High-band frequency (Hz).
  • Use a standard System Exclusive message to set the master volume (0-127).
synth_0.set_mod_wheel(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Set modulation wheel parameters affecting various effects on a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel to apply modulation (0-15).
    • pitch – Pitch modulation depth.
    • tvtcutoff – Cutoff frequency modulation depth (TVT may refer to a specific filter type or be a typo).
    • amplitude – Amplitude modulation depth.
    • rate – Modulation rate.
    • pitchdepth – Pitch modulation depth (redundant with "pitch").
    • tvfdepth – TVF (Tone Voltage Filter, or possibly a typo) modulation depth.
    • tvadepth – TVA (Tone Volume Amplifier, or possibly a typo) modulation depth.
synth_0.set_note_off(0, 0)
  • Send a MIDI Note Off message to a specified MIDI channel.
synth_0.set_note_on(0, 0, 0)
  • Send a MIDI Note On message to a specified MIDI channel.
synth_0.set_pan(0, 0)
  • Set the pan position for a specified MIDI channel.
synth_0.set_pitch_bend(0, 0)
  • Send a MIDI Pitch Bend message to a specified MIDI channel.
synth_0.set_pitch_bend_range(0, 0)
  • Set the pitch bend range on a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel (0-15).
    • value – Pitch bend value (0-16383).
synth_0.set_reverb(0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Configure a reverb effect on a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel (0-15).
    • program – Reverb program number (0-7).
    • level – Reverb level (0-127).
    • delayfeedback – Delay feedback amount (0-127).
synth_0.set_scale_tuning(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Set scale tuning for a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel to apply scale tuning (0-15).
    • v1~v12 – Tuning values for each note in the scale (0-127).
synth_0.set_tuning(0, 0, 0)
  • Set tuning for a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel (0-15).
    • fine – Fine tuning value (cents).
    • coarse – Coarse tuning value (semitones).
synth_0.set_tvf(0, 0, 0)
  • Set TVF (Tone Voltage Filter, or possibly a specific filter type) parameters on a specified MIDI channel.
    • channel – MIDI channel to apply the filter (0-15).
    • cutoff – Filter cutoff frequency (0-127).
synth_0.set_vibrate(0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Set vibrato effect parameters on a specified channel
    • channel: The MIDI channel (0-15) to apply the vibrato effect to
    • rate: Vibrato rate (0-127)
    • depth: Vibrato depth (0-127)
    • delay: Vibrato delay (0-127)
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