
Arduino Guide

Unit CamS3-5MP Program Compilation and Flashing

1. Preparation

    1. Install Arduino IDE: Refer to Arduino IDE Installation Guide to complete the IDE installation.
    1. Install Board Manager:
    • Open Arduino IDE, go to the toolbar > File > Preferences
  • In the Additional Boards Manager URLs field, enter
  • Click the Board Manager option in the sidebar, type ESP32, and select the latest version of esp32 by Espressif Systems to download.
    1. Connection Diagram

2. Replace ESP-Camera Static Library

  1. Unzip libespressif__esp32-camera.zip
  1. Copy libespressif__esp32-camera.a to the specified path

    • For Windows:
  • For macOS:

  • For Linux:

  1. Copy the header files esp_camera.h and sensor.h to the specified path
  • For Windows:
  • For macOS:

  • For Linux:


3. Get Demo Program

Unit CAMS3-5MP Arduino Demo CameraWebServer

  • Unzip this archive and open CameraWebServer.ino
  • Configure the Wi-Fi name and password you want to connect to in the code

4. Program Compilation & Flashing

Board Selection Notes
1. Board Selection: Tools -> Boards -> ESP32 -> M5UnitCAMS3
2. USB CDC Configuration: Tools -> USB CDC On Boot -> Enabled
3. PSRAM Configuration: Tools -> PSRAM -> OPI PSRAM

5. Image Preview

  • Upload the program
  • Reinsert the USB cable, open the serial monitor, set the baud rate to 115200, and reopen the serial monitor to see the output of the local IP address
  • Enter the IP address in a browser and click "Start Stream" to view the image
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