This tutorial will introduce how to use the Unit Gateway H2 to run Zigbee and Thread Arduino example programs to achieve network communication.
In the Preferences window, locate the input box for "Additional Board Manager URLs" and add the following URL:
In the Board Manager, search for ESP32
and complete the board installation.
Note: This step requires downloading many toolchains. If you encounter download failures, try changing your network environment or configuring a proxy.
2.Driver Libraries Used:
3.Hardware Products Used:
Unit Gateway H2
for demonstration. The core module of the Unit Gateway H2 uses the ESP32-H2-MINI-1-N2
, which has the ability to work independently. In this tutorial, we will directly flash the example program into the Unit Gateway H2 and use it as an independent device. In subsequent cases, multiple example programs will be flashed several times for testing. Please refer to the following operations to learn how to put the Unit Gateway H2 into download mode.ESP32-H2-MINI-1-N2
. Therefore, before compiling the program, we need to adjust the partition table. Since the default partition table options do not provide a configuration for the 2MB version, we will use the custom
option. When this option is enabled, you must provide a custom partition table file. Place the file in the same directory as your project (.ino) file and name it partitions.csv
, so that the partition table can be correctly loaded during compilation. Different examples below may use different partition tables; please refer to the specific instructions for each example.Arduino IDE Tools Menu Configuration:
Tools -> Board: ESP32H2 Dev Module
Tools -> Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload: Enable
(Disabling this may cause connection failures)Tools -> Flash Size: 2MB
Tools -> Zigbee mode: Zigbee ED (end device)
Tools -> Partition Scheme: custom
partition table option before compiling, and copy the following partition table into a file named partitions.csv
in the same directory as your project (.ino) file.# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000,
otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000,
app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0xC0000,
app1, app, ota_1, 0xd0000, 0xC0000,
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x190000,0x5a000,
zb_storage, data, fat, 0x1ea000,0x4000,
zb_fct, data, fat, 0x1ee000,0x1000,
coredump, data, coredump,0x1f0000,0x10000,
#error "Zigbee end device mode is not selected in Tools->Zigbee mode"
#include "Zigbee.h"
/* Zigbee light bulb configuration */
uint8_t led = RGB_BUILTIN;
uint8_t button = BOOT_PIN;
ZigbeeLight zbLight = ZigbeeLight(ZIGBEE_LIGHT_ENDPOINT);
/********************* RGB LED functions **************************/
void setLED(bool value) {
Serial.println("LED ON!");
Serial.println("LED OFF!");
digitalWrite(led, value);
/********************* Arduino functions **************************/
void setup() {
// Init LED and turn it OFF (if LED_PIN == RGB_BUILTIN, the rgbLedWrite() will be used under the hood)
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
// Init button for factory reset
pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Optional: set Zigbee device name and model
zbLight.setManufacturerAndModel("Espressif", "ZBLightBulb");
// Set callback function for light change
// Add endpoint to Zigbee Core
Serial.println("Adding ZigbeeLight endpoint to Zigbee Core");
// When all endpoints are registered, start Zigbee. By default, it acts as a ZIGBEE_END_DEVICE.
if (!Zigbee.begin()) {
Serial.println("Zigbee failed to start!");
Serial.println("Connecting to network");
while (!Zigbee.connected()) {
void loop() {
// Checking button for factory reset
if (digitalRead(button) == LOW) { // Push button pressed
// Key debounce handling
int startTime = millis();
while (digitalRead(button) == LOW) {
if ((millis() - startTime) > 3000) {
// If key pressed for more than 3 seconds, factory reset Zigbee and reboot
Serial.println("Resetting Zigbee to factory and rebooting in 1s.");
// Toggle light by pressing the button
Arduino IDE Tools Menu Configuration:
Tools -> Board: ESP32H2 Dev Module
Tools -> Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload: Enable
(Disabling this may cause connection failures)Tools -> Flash Size: 2MB
Tools -> Zigbee mode: Zigbee ZCZR (coordinator/router)
Tools -> Partition Scheme: custom
partition table option before compiling, and copy the following partition table into a file named partitions.csv
in the same directory as your project (.ino) file.# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000,
otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000,
app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0xC0000,
app1, app, ota_1, 0xd0000, 0xC0000,
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x190000,0x5a000,
zb_storage, data, fat, 0x1ea000,0x4000,
zb_fct, data, fat, 0x1ee000,0x1000,
rcp_fw, data, spiffs, 0x1ef000,0x1000,
coredump, data, coredump,0x1f0000,0x10000,
#error "Zigbee coordinator mode is not selected in Tools->Zigbee mode"
#include "Zigbee.h"
#define TOGGLE_INTERVAL 5000 // Toggle interval (milliseconds)
ZigbeeSwitch zbSwitch = ZigbeeSwitch(SWITCH_ENDPOINT_NUMBER);
void setup() {
// Optional: set Zigbee device name and model
zbSwitch.setManufacturerAndModel("Espressif", "ZigbeeSwitch");
// Optional: allow multiple lights to bind to the switch
// Add endpoint to Zigbee Core
Serial.println("Adding ZigbeeSwitch endpoint to Zigbee Core");
// Open network for 180 seconds after boot
// When all endpoints are registered, start Zigbee with ZIGBEE_COORDINATOR mode
if (!Zigbee.begin(ZIGBEE_COORDINATOR)) {
Serial.println("Zigbee failed to start!");
Serial.println("Waiting for Light to bind to the switch");
// Wait for the switch to bind to a light:
while (!zbSwitch.bound()) {
// Optional: List all bound devices and read manufacturer and model name
std::list<zb_device_params_t *> boundLights = zbSwitch.getBoundDevices();
for (const auto &device : boundLights) {
Serial.printf("Device on endpoint %d, short address: 0x%x\r\n", device->endpoint, device->short_addr);
"IEEE Address: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", device->ieee_addr[7], device->ieee_addr[6], device->ieee_addr[5], device->ieee_addr[4],
device->ieee_addr[3], device->ieee_addr[2], device->ieee_addr[1], device->ieee_addr[0]
char *manufacturer = zbSwitch.readManufacturer(device->endpoint, device->short_addr, device->ieee_addr);
char *model = zbSwitch.readModel(device->endpoint, device->short_addr, device->ieee_addr);
if (manufacturer != nullptr) {
Serial.printf("Light manufacturer: %s\r\n", manufacturer);
if (model != nullptr) {
Serial.printf("Light model: %s\r\n", model);
void loop() {
static unsigned long lastToggleTime = 0;
// Toggle the light state at fixed intervals
if (millis() - lastToggleTime > TOGGLE_INTERVAL) {
lastToggleTime = millis();
Serial.println("Toggling light...");
// Print the bound lights every 10 seconds
static uint32_t lastPrint = 0;
if (millis() - lastPrint > 10000) {
lastPrint = millis();
Arduino IDE Tools Menu Configuration:
Tools -> Board: ESP32H2 Dev Module
Tools -> Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload: Enable
(Disabling this may cause connection failures)Tools -> Flash Size: 2MB
Tools -> Zigbee mode: Zigbee ZCZR (coordinator/router)
Tools -> Partition Scheme: custom
partition table option before compiling, and copy the following partition table into a file named partitions.csv
in the same directory as your project (.ino) file.# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000,
otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000,
app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0xC0000,
app1, app, ota_1, 0xd0000, 0xC0000,
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x190000,0x5a000,
zb_storage, data, fat, 0x1ea000,0x4000,
zb_fct, data, fat, 0x1ee000,0x1000,
rcp_fw, data, spiffs, 0x1ef000,0x1000,
coredump, data, coredump,0x1f0000,0x10000,
#if !defined(ZIGBEE_MODE_ED) && !defined(ZIGBEE_MODE_ZCZR)
#error "Zigbee device mode is not selected in Tools->Zigbee mode"
#include "Zigbee.h"
zigbee_role_t role = ZIGBEE_ROUTER; // or can be ZIGBEE_COORDINATOR, but it won't scan itself
zigbee_role_t role = ZIGBEE_END_DEVICE;
void printScannedNetworks(uint16_t networksFound) {
if (networksFound == 0) {
Serial.println("No networks found");
} else {
zigbee_scan_result_t *scan_result = Zigbee.getScanResult();
Serial.println("\nScan done");
Serial.println(" networks found:");
Serial.println("Nr | PAN ID | CH | Permit Joining | Router Capacity | End Device Capacity | Extended PAN ID");
for (int i = 0; i < networksFound; ++i) {
// Print all available info for each network found
Serial.printf("%2d", i + 1);
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.printf("0x%04hx", scan_result[i].short_pan_id);
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.printf("%2d", scan_result[i].logic_channel);
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.printf("%-14.14s", scan_result[i].permit_joining ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.printf("%-15.15s", scan_result[i].router_capacity ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.printf("%-19.19s", scan_result[i].end_device_capacity ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.print(" | ");
"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[7], scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[6], scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[5],
scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[4], scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[3], scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[2], scan_result[i].extended_pan_id[1],
// Delete the scan result to free memory for code below.
void setup() {
// Initialize Zigbee stack without any endpoints just for scanning
if (!Zigbee.begin(role)) {
Serial.println("Zigbee failed to start!");
Serial.println("Setup done, starting Zigbee network scan...");
// Start Zigbee Network Scan with default parameters (all channels, scan time 5)
void loop() {
// Check Zigbee Network Scan process
int16_t ZigbeeScanStatus = Zigbee.scanComplete();
if (ZigbeeScanStatus < 0) { // It is busy scanning or encountered an error
if (ZigbeeScanStatus == ZB_SCAN_FAILED) {
Serial.println("Zigbee scan has failed. Starting again.");
// Another option is status ZB_SCAN_RUNNING - just wait.
} else { // Found zero or more wireless networks
Zigbee.scanNetworks(); // Start over...
// The loop can perform other tasks...
File -> Examples -> OpenThread
, you can find OpenThread-related example programs. Before compiling the programs, please refer to the partition table configuration and other settings below.Arduino IDE Tools Menu Configuration:
Tools -> Board: ESP32H2 Dev Module
Tools -> Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload: Enable
(Disabling this may cause connection failures)Tools -> Flash Size: 2MB
Tools -> Partition Scheme: Minimal SPIFFS (1.3MB APP/700K SPIFFS)