)在Arduino IDE中新建程序, 并粘贴下方Hello World案例代码, 编译并烧录至设备, 显示屏和串口监视器将显示"HelloWorld!",并每秒计数一次。
#include <M5Unified.h> // Make the M5Unified library available to your program.
// global variables (define variables to be used throughout the program)
uint32_t count;
// setup function is executed only once at startup.
// This function mainly describes the initialization process.
void setup() {
auto cfg = M5.config(); // Assign a structure for initializing M5Stack
// If config is to be set, set it here
// Example.
// cfg.external_spk = true;
M5.begin(cfg); // initialize M5 device
M5.Display.setTextSize(3); // change text size
M5.Display.print("Hello World!!!") ; // display Hello World! and one line is displayed on the screen
Serial.println("Hello World!!!") ; // display Hello World! and one line on the serial monitor
count = 0; // initialize count
// loop function is executed repeatedly for as long as it is running.
// loop function acquires values from sensors, rewrites the screen, etc.
void loop() {
Display.setCursor(0, 20); // set character drawing coordinates (cursor position)
Display.printf("COUNT: %d\n", count); // display count on screen
Serial.printf("COUNT: %d\n", count); // display count serially
count++; // increase count by 1
delay(1000); // wait 1 second(1,000msec)
M5Unified驱动库中提供了一系列的案例程序, 可用于参考不同的硬件外设API的使用方式。
参考下方教程, 学习如何从其他M5Stack主控驱动库, 迁移使用M5Unified作为驱动。